Monday, September 3, 2018

My Love Prayer

I was lost in my ways
Walking through a dark tunnel that led me away
One that led to no light but astray
A journey that set my world in disarray

But I kept on going into this hollow
I kept on going because it helped me get through till tomorrow
It was my present need to battle sorrow
So reality was kept in the shadow

After every wild ride came clarity
Out of the shadow walks reality
Deep conviction falls upon me with sincerity
Certainly this journey leads to no where but impurity

So I prayed to God for a soul-mate
Someone to make me whole
I prayed for someone to hold till I am old
I never knew I was praying for a woman named O

Then, here came a shining star
I felt it within me that she was here to deliver me from the dark
In her I found everything I ever wanted in a rock-star
Her voice captured my heart and soul like a charm

It's been almost 3 years now and we are still going strong
With you I can never be wrong
I want to be your man forever-lifelong
'Cos I know with you forever can never be too long


~ Composed by PhadaOfficial - to a very special lady (My BabyLove Onyeka Emili)

Friday, July 12, 2013


There was darkness that lasted for so long
Darkness that covered the clear skies of the future.
Soon the same darkness wiped away so easily
And I could see the morning again.
I thought the morning was here to stay, at least for a long while but so brief was it's moment that darkness soon set in.
I have never seen darkness move at such speed before. So unpredictable and unexpected.
Soon I forgot all the beauty of the morning sky.
Morning felt so weak again and the future began to dim it's light.
But even then, as if to prove me wrong.
With greater velocity.
Such speed never witnessed by darkness in its entire life time, morning sweeps away the sorrows that darkness came along with.
If there is a lesson to be learned.
Be greedy with your options.
Covet them all.
Never shut any door.
It might end up being the only entry that will save you.
Still grateful to God!

~Composed by Phada'Official

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Time to Change our Perspective... Nigeria is Bleeding to Her Death

Time to Change our Perspective... Nigeria is Bleeding to Her Death

There is a country that once was
Now it exist no more
Its moral standards are lost
And her vision is very much divided among her kindred
A nation that fought so relentlessly for independence
Years after, still holds herself in bondage of her own weakness
Her dreams like eagle soared so high on broad wings beyond the aspirations of our contemporaries
They even named her the Giant of Africa and a competition to many developed nation
At the brink of collapse yet none of us deem it fit to support her walls
The foundation laid by our fore fathers
Has been shattered by our greed and indifference
Do we not habor the slightest desire to build a nation where in we can proudly call home
If only we reflect on the words of our national anthem
And ruminate on the deepness in its meaning
Have we then lost our conscience
That we trample Nigeria with so much corruption, apathy, anarchy and greed.
She bleeds!
Nigeria bleeds incessantly
Yet we refuse to treat her with kindness.
My fellow citizens have we forgotten our beautiful history so soon
The kindness, culture, sobriety, truthfulness and modesty displayed by our ancestors
More is expected from an educated mind yet we display appaling level of ignorance and selfcenteredness
Arise O'compatriot
Its time for us to tell our fathers who keep beclouding our future that we are the leaders of now
True revolution begins from our minds.
Let's bring change closer to our doorstep
Participate and see to it that our fathers realize their time in politics is up and its our own time to clean up the mess they have caused.
Write a blog
Join a party
Establish an organization
Sensitize your community
Run for an election
I don't care what it is you do just make that tiny little step in the forward direction else Nigeria will have no shoulder to lean on
#GodhealNigeria #Godcureourcorruption

~Composed Phada'Official

Friday, April 26, 2013

I Cried!

Phada~ When I was young I cried!
Q. Yeah everyone cried
Phada~ No you don't get it I cried at every little challenge
Q. Why?
Phada~ Simply cos I felt I deserved pity
Q. Oh pity... And did you get it?
Phada~ I didn't my friend, I didn't
Q. But why? Why were people so heartless?
Phada~ I realised they weren't
Q. Oh really? How do you mean?
Phada~ I realised everyone of them had their own challenges to focus on
Q. Everyone?! Did you really mean those living in fancy houses inclusive?
Phada~ Well those one had even bigger problems
Q. Now I'm confused. But they have...
Phada~ (cuts in) Money? Hahaha. Money can't buy your way out of troubles
Q. So what did you do?
Phada~ I changed my approach to life's challenges
Q. Hmm, tell me more
Phada~ I realized my problem is mine and no one else is obliged to assist
Q. Well sounds like each man for himself
Phada~ Exactly!
Q. Tell me about this new approach
Phada~ Oh' yeah it simple. First I smile and laugh within me.
Q. No more weeping?
Phada~ Oh no no no... I'm a man now. We don't cry but shoulder it and carry our cross
Q. But why?
Phada~ Why? Well weeping is not gonna change the situation anyways. Laughing on the other hand makes you feel stronger and emotionally in control.
Q. Hmm! I never thought of it that way
Phada~ Well it does. I realized If you lose the battle emotionally you can never win physically. I also found out that trials are always very hard on us cos they can tell they only have a short life span.
Q. And why would I wanna laugh instead of suck within me? Seems so easy for me to cry during this moment of hardship.
Phada~ Well what you see when u cry is defeat that will last forever but when I laugh so hard within me, its because I see the glory and victory ahead of me. And do you want to know when I laugh the most?
Q. And when is that?
Phada~ When everything seems to be at a stand still and I feel like the burden is so much I can't cope any longer.
Q. Wow! You wanna tell me why?
Phada~ Well I've realized that is exactly where the movie takes a twist and turn and the Vandamme inside of me fights back, rising up to the occasion. And you know what they say; "Actor no dey die for film"
~Composed by Phada'Official

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Let Your Expressions Out


Express your imagination
Bottling it up inside of you
Only makes the head heavier
And the mind weary from overload

Express your true feelings
It doesn't hurt anyone but nobody
But it does make the world a better place
And your heart feels so accomplished

Reveal your doubts
By so doing you get help
You never know whose hands God placed the solution
He might just be your neighbors

Express your fears
That way it never gets a hold on you
For whatever you reveal in the open
Can never hunt you secretly

Finally, share your opinion
It is okay to be the only one different
Never consider it a disability
There is no right or wrong answer
Just opinions
~Composed by Phada'Official

Saturday, April 6, 2013

You are my celebrity

Route to a lady's heart
You are my Special Girl
The only one who spends lot of time in my thoughts
I am wholly committed to your cause
You are my Celebrity

You are my Beauty Queen
I cherish you as much as the air I breathe and the blood in my veins
I will adore you as long as I have both to live on
Oh! You are my Superstar

You are my Alicia Keys
I will buy you expensive things I can afford cos’ of the class that you are
I will pamper you and guard your career dream like its mine
Cos I am your Swizz Beat

You are my Super Woman
Cos you came into my heart and rescued it from pains and loneliness
I feel so insuperable to sadness cos’ I have found you
How I regard you as my Hero

You are my God Sent
I have looked all o’er the planet for you and even scanned through Mars
All along hoping you’d be worth all my time and patience
But now I see you are my Ultimate Search 
~Composed by Phada'Official...


Trophy---less... Yet we are still Gonners

I am at war with my enemies
A times I forget to load my ammunition
But when I do
I tear any defense apart
I have nothing more than my history
And I’m proud of it
I take pride in the way I play
The beautiful football
Though no trophy in the past 6 years
I am a delight to watch
Sometimes I sacrifice winning
Just to entertain my fans
That is why my ticket price has skyrocketed
But the fans scream blue murder
Each time I entertain but lose
May be what they want is a win?
I must admit though
Recently I’d been a major disaster
When it mattered most
It all started against Barcelona in 2005
Then Chelsea in 2007 Carling’s cup
The memory of last year’s Carling’s cup final
Is still pellucid
Cos a Nigerian on loan
Won a trophy in the only match he played
The Old have stopped supporting me
For the fear of heart attack
Only the Obstinate remain with me
For their pride is at stake
But still I remain Arsenal
And I will always choose to entertain
Even when it costs me trophies
~ Composed by PhadaOfficial



Time they say heals
Though not yours
It’s been yonks now
… And your heart still bleeds
It bleeds so hard
It swims freely in the pool it has made
You grieve so much o’er your actions
Penitence has eaten deep into your soul
How can you pay off your debt?
Or that a deep sleep falls upon you
Till you wake to a new life
Or that you may obfuscate the past
If only life had an eraser
For this cause
You’d obliterate memories of your wickedness
You treated her so unfairly
Shouldn’t have hit her so badly
That fateful day
You wore the devil’s garment
It’s o’er now!
She’s gone to yonder
Why? How do you live in this same flesh?
The same that killed your urbane wife
Its injustice for you to live
Its better that you die and rot
… And die and burn
That is the penance you have to pay
Even then justice is still not meted
Surely, you are a heartless entity
~ Composed by PhadaOfficial

Real Beauty is Rare

Real Beauty is rare
Like diamond; its not common place
Like a good book; its not judged by its cover
Like the sun; its not evanescent
But last forever
When u acquire it u cherish it
Coz u recognize it. "I do"
Have u ever come in contact with it
It leaves an indelible mark
Many claim to have it
Many claim to have seen one
... But what they claim is mere Artwork
Beauty is more than work of art

It'll fade away
So it matters less
Real Beauty! It remains
When other qualities fade away
I have seen one!
It may seem too short a time
It may not appear so
But I am adamant that I have seen RB!
~Composed by Phada'Official

Balm of Praise

Where would I be without you Praise!
Each time we engage
A unique feeling overwhelms my soul
My burdens, U lighten up
U bring tears 2my dry eyes
... And breakdown my stony heart
Each time we embrace
My soul surrenders its worries
My troubles! They vanish away
Unlike alcohol
Your impact is for ever
I'm exhausted now!
Mood of Praise

For all my energy
I'v given to you Praise
You are food to my soul
You take me places I'd ne'er been
Heights no alcohol can attain
You connect me to a deeper love in Christ
Whatelse can I do without you Praise!
~Composed by Phada'Official
(Let's praise God always)

Goodmorning Morning!

Up! Up!! I wake!!!
To the sound of the cock crow
The alarm clock ringing
The darkness of yesternight
Its vanished away
Its morning here again
Its a new day
A new hope for the task ahead
Another opportunity to right all wrongs
A rare privilege given by a higher POWER
To reconcile broken relationships
I grab it with both hands
As I jump to my feet
To welcome Morning
While its here
For soon!
Oh! Very soon, morning will be gone again
And darkness will set in
I thank YOU Lord
For counting me worthy
GoodMorning Y'all!
~ Composed by Phada'Official

Best Friend?

Hope is my best friend
In my darkest tribulation u remain
Your strength is incomparable
Perseverance is your trademark
Hope is resilient in tough times
When Joy deserts me
... And Faith lose her confidence
When dream doubts my ability
To fulfil purpose
You my best friend, u stand by me
The poor rely on your promises
The sick draw strenght from you
The barren trust your judgement
The unemployed look into ur eyes
For a better tomorrow
In all these
You remain resolute
That the end of the tunnel is near
You assure us
Of brighter days ahead
Life is full of challenges
... But one thing stands sure
Never give up on Hope
Cos she believes in your future
~ Composed by Phada'Official

Puzzle of My Life

Missing Link
There was a time in my life
When the world seemed so lonely
When my heart felt so incomplete
Days when I wished I'd find the missing piece
That would solve my puzzle
The soulmate I have been waiting for
For years...
To make my life so meaninful
Baby, I knew you were out there
Waiting for me to comeby
I'm so glad I found you
... Cos you make living so worthwhile
Its like I'm fulfilling my destiny
Together we shall be
Forever we shall breathe
...The same air of love
That binds us together
For I have found my missing rib
My puzzle has been solved
~ Composed by Phada'Official

My Life- Part 2

My life is a journey

My Life is a journey- Couldn't make it without you

Journey mixed with hardship and pleasure
Good times and bad times
Some days I retain in my memory
Other days I wished ne'er happened
Through all these moments
You played a vital role in my script
... For I am who I am
Because of the days we had together
Not a factor but quality
Did you ever think I'd forget?
You reside in my memory
Days we fought and madeup
For gelling sake
Laughters we shared
I replay in my head like an old tape
Your words of advice
And days you comforted me
I still remember vividly
Invaluable moments
I'd not trade any for Gate's wealth
Just like in a relay race
You made your impact scintillating
Life my friend is a terrifying journey
Couldn't have made it this far
Without you
~ Composed by Phada'Official